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Spear & Jackson Razorsharp Retractable Pruning Saw with 150mm Blade

Spear & Jackson Razorsharp Retractable Pruning Saw with 150mm

A selection of tools with the finest cutting edges.Features Carbon steel blade 6tpi teeth are hardened and tempered for strength and durability Retractable blade can be stored safely

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Spear and Jackson Razorsharp Retractable Pruning Saw with 150mm Blade

Brand: Spear & Jackson

List Price: £11.95

Price Range: £11.95 - £11.95

from 1 retailers

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(£11.95 + £3.95 p&p)

A selection of tools with the finest cutting edges.Features Carbon steel blade 6tpi teeth are hardened and tempered for strength and durability Retractable blade can be stored safely inside handle when not in use Handy, o...

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  • A selection of tools with the finest cutting edges.Features Carbon steel blade 6tpi teeth are hardened and tempered for strength and durability Retractable blade can be stored safely inside handle when not in use Handy, o.......from Tooled Up
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    Rating Comments
    2 Star Rating I have a wornout Fiskars similar item which cuts better. The blade fixing is hard to tighten and ...
    By: roger norman, on March 2, 2015

    "The item is hardly fit for purpose. I have a wornout Fiskars similar item which cuts better. The blade fixing is hard to tighten and does not hold the blade effectively.
    I would have sent them back but we used all 3; the other people who used them felt the same about the quality. The belt attachments are useless and have fallen off!

    1 Star Rating Poor Quality
    By: Old Jack, on October 20, 2011

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