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Sealey Propylene Glycol Antifreeze Tester - Disc Type

Sealey Propylene Glycol Antifreeze Tester - Disc Type

Tests modern propylene glycol coolant antifreeze, hot or cold. Protection level is indicated by the number of the five large coloured discs which float in the sample. Easy to read temperature

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Sealey Propylene Glycol Antifreeze Tester Disc Type

Brand: Sealey

List Price: £11.94

Price Range: £8.95 - £8.95

from 1 retailers

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(£8.95 + £3.95 p&p)

Tests modern propylene glycol coolant antifreeze, hot or cold. Protection level is indicated by the number of the five large coloured discs which float in the sample. Easy to read temperature table on the virtually unbreakable plastic body....

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  • Tests modern propylene glycol coolant antifreeze, hot or cold. Protection level is indicated by the number of the five large coloured discs which float in the sample. Easy to read temperature table on the virtually unbreakable plastic body........from Tooled Up
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    Rating Comments
    5 Star Rating antifreeze tester
    By: Mr. A. Beer, on January 21, 2010

    "this is a very easy item to use .all motorist should own one .as many neglect there antifreeze/coolant and this can result in catastrophic failure of your engine .for only a few pounds you can check you engines health as many times as you want .sometimes we forget how important antifreeze is and only tend to think about it as the cold weather creeps in .but having the correct amount and strength of coolant is just as important during the summer months .so do your car a favour and get yourself this easy to...

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