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Sealey Piston Ring Compressor 75mm Dia53 - 125mm

Sealey Piston Ring Compressor 75mm Dia53 - 125mm

Quality construction with sprung steel wrap and ratchet action tension mechanism. Supplied with steel key.Depth 75mmCapacity 60 125mm...

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Sealey Piston Ring Compressor 75mm Dia53 125mm

Brand: Sealey

List Price: £14.34

Price Range: £9.95 - £9.95

from 1 retailers

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(£9.95 + £3.95 p&p)

Quality construction with sprung steel wrap and ratchet action tension mechanism. Supplied with steel key.Depth 75mmCapacity 60 125mm...

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  • Quality construction with sprung steel wrap and ratchet action tension mechanism. Supplied with steel key.Depth 75mmCapacity 60 125mm.......from Tooled Up
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    5 Star Rating Worked well. Easy to use.
    By: Mortimer, on April 18, 2015

    "There are many of these on the market. I picked this because it was a Sealey which is a reliable brand. I had been warned not to by a cheap compressor as they can be a nightmare. This was not expensive and worked very well. The principle of the tools operation is pretty simple and with due care and attention will work very well. When tightened around the piston with enough lubricant it should be easy to gently tap the piston down into the bore.

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