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Sealey Mechanics Stethoscope

Sealey Mechanics Stethoscope

Quickly locate the source of engine noise such as piston slap, worn gears and bearings, damaged valves, water pump failure and blown gaskets. Also useful for tracking down dashboard

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Sealey Mechanics Stethoscope

Brand: Sealey

List Price: £16.74

Price Range: £11.95 - £11.95

from 1 retailers

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(£11.95 + £3.95 p&p)

Quickly locate the source of engine noise such as piston slap, worn gears and bearings, damaged valves, water pump failure and blown gaskets. Also useful for tracking down dashboard rattles and squeaks. Plastic ear pieces and 300mm probe with sound a...

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  • Quickly locate the source of engine noise such as piston slap, worn gears and bearings, damaged valves, water pump failure and blown gaskets. Also useful for tracking down dashboard rattles and squeaks. Plastic ear pieces and 300mm probe with sound a.......from Tooled Up
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