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sealey heavy duty racking extension pack with 4 mesh shelves 900kg capacity per level

sealey heavy duty racking extension pack with 4 mesh shelves

Pack includes one upright end frame and four heavy duty wire mesh shelves. Connects to Model No. AP6572 to make one extra bay. No limit to the number of bays that can be added, to make

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sealey heavy duty racking extension pack with 4 mesh shelves 900kg capacity per level

Brand: Sealey

List Price: £311.94

Price Range: £233.95 - £233.95

from 1 retailers

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(£233.95 + £FREE p&p)

Pack includes one upright end frame and four heavy duty wire mesh shelves. Connects to Model No. AP6572 to make one extra bay. No limit to the number of bays that can be added, to make a continuous run.Size W x D x H 1956 x 600 x 1828mm...

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  • Pack includes one upright end frame and four heavy duty wire mesh shelves. Connects to Model No. AP6572 to make one extra bay. No limit to the number of bays that can be added, to make a continuous run.Size W x D x H 1956 x 600 x 1828mm.......from Tooled Up
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