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Sealey Coolant Pump Sprocket Retainer for 16v Twin Cam Vauxhall / Opel 2.2 Engines

Sealey Coolant Pump Sprocket Retainer for 16v Twin Cam Vauxhall

Used to keep the engine in the timed position during removalinstallation of the coolant pump. Allows the pump to be replaced without the timing chain being disturbed.OEM Tools KM6148,

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Sealey Coolant Pump Sprocket Retainer for 16v Twin Cam Vauxhall Opel 22 Engines

Brand: Sealey

List Price: £77.94

Price Range: £55.95 - £55.95

from 1 retailers

Price trend for Sealey Coolant Pump Sprocket Retainer for 16v Twin Cam Vauxhall Opel 22 Engines is SameSet Price AlertOur Best Price

(£55.95 + £3.95 p&p)

Used to keep the engine in the timed position during removalinstallation of the coolant pump. Allows the pump to be replaced without the timing chain being disturbed.OEM Tools KM6148, KM6077, Applications VauxhallOpel Astra G 00...

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  • Used to keep the engine in the timed position during removalinstallation of the coolant pump. Allows the pump to be replaced without the timing chain being disturbed.OEM Tools KM6148, KM6077, Applications VauxhallOpel Astra G 00.......from Tooled Up
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