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Sealey Carburettor Synchronizer (Vacuum / Mini-Type)

Sealey Carburettor Synchronizer (Vacuum / Mini-Type)

One of the most comprehensive balancer sets available on the market. Features a bank of four mini gauges with lockable valves enabling user to hold vacuum values in use. Supplied with

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5 Star Rating
Sealey Carburettor Synchronizer Vacuum MiniType gets 5 out of 5 based on 2 ratings

Sealey Carburettor Synchronizer Vacuum MiniType

Brand: Sealey

List Price: £215.94

Price Range: £134.95 - £134.95

from 1 retailers

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(£134.95 + £FREE p&p)

One of the most comprehensive balancer sets available on the market. Features a bank of four mini gauges with lockable valves enabling user to hold vacuum values in use. Supplied with set of long and short carburettor adaptors for easy access amongst...

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  • One of the most comprehensive balancer sets available on the market. Features a bank of four mini gauges with lockable valves enabling user to hold vacuum values in use. Supplied with set of long and short carburettor adaptors for easy access amongst.......from Tooled Up
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    Rating Comments
    5 Star Rating vs209 Carburettor Synchronizer
    By: Andrew Featherston, on October 30, 2013

    5 Star Rating Allowed me to tune my 4 cylinder outboard.
    By: Amazon Customer, on June 2, 2013

    "Without it we had spent hours and failed to tune the 4 cylinder Yamaha outboard. As soon as we used it it was a matter of a few minutes. If you or your mechanic do not have such a tool adjustment is impossible. Quality is also top, nothing here is cheap.

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