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Ronseal Woodstain Quick Dry Satin Antique Pine 250ml

Ronseal Woodstain Quick Dry Satin Antique Pine 250ml

The Ronseal Quick Drying Woodstain is an easy to apply woodstain that colours, waterproofs and protects all exterior softwood and hardwood. Its highly water repellent and rainproof

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5 Star Rating
Ronseal Woodstain Quick Dry Satin Antique Pine 250ml gets 5 out of 5 based on 1 ratings

Ronseal Woodstain Quick Dry Satin Antique Pine 250ml

Brand: Ronseal

List Price: £8.56

Price Range: £8.95 - £8.95

from 1 retailers

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(£8.95 + £5.95 p&p)

The Ronseal Quick Drying Woodstain is an easy to apply woodstain that colours, waterproofs and protects all exterior softwood and hardwood. Its highly water repellent and rainproof in just 30 minutes. It resists cracking and peeling and protects t...

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  • The Ronseal Quick Drying Woodstain is an easy to apply woodstain that colours, waterproofs and protects all exterior softwood and hardwood. Its highly water repellent and rainproof in just 30 minutes. It resists cracking and peeling and protects t.......from Tooled Up
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    5 Star Rating A quality product
    By: R Duff, on April 13, 2015

    "Very easy to apply and although water based like an emulsion, it is, in my experience, extremely durable. I have a wooden handrail as part of some steps leading to a small upper lawn in my garden. I applied three coats over 3 years ago and there has been no blistering peeling or cracking whatsoever, come rain, come sunshine,. Based on that experience, I have applied the same finish to the hardwood slats of the garden table and chairs.

    Very happy with this product.

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