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Ronseal Colron Refined Danish Oil 500ml

Ronseal Colron Refined Danish Oil 500ml

Colron Refined Danish Oil is a superior blend of natural oils that penetrate the wood to provide an extremely tough, durable waterproof finish, while enriching the wood grain to provide

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5 Star Rating
Ronseal Colron Refined Danish Oil 500ml gets 5 out of 5 based on 3 ratings

Ronseal Colron Refined Danish Oil 500ml

Brand: Ronseal

List Price: £10.43

Price Range: £9.95 - £9.95

from 1 retailers

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(£9.95 + £5.95 p&p)

Colron Refined Danish Oil is a superior blend of natural oils that penetrate the wood to provide an extremely tough, durable waterproof finish, while enriching the wood grain to provide a beautiful low sheen lustre. It enriches the woods n...

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  • Colron Refined Danish Oil is a superior blend of natural oils that penetrate the wood to provide an extremely tough, durable waterproof finish, while enriching the wood grain to provide a beautiful low sheen lustre. It enriches the woods n.......from Tooled Up
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    Rating Comments
    5 Star Rating Resurrected dining table!
    By: Tomanator, on January 4, 2018

    "Our lovely oak dining table needed a new lease of life. A few coats of this made it look like new again. It also protects against spills which was helpful over Christmas! If the wood has a finish a light sand is needed. Otherwise I'd recommend applying quickly and easily with a lint free cloth.

    5 Star Rating Easy to apply but may need a few coats as ...
    By: S King, on September 26, 2016

    "Use it for my wooden floors. Easy to apply but may need a few coats as it is very light. But perfect for what I need for re-oiling any floor panels that are fading.

    5 Star Rating colour and smell all great. Darkened the wood a bit but it was ...
    By: Josh Bonfield, on May 20, 2016

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