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masterlock 800mm bungee cord with giant hooks

masterlock 800mm bungee cord with giant hooks

The unique and patented giant hook bungee provides more space when used than a traditional bungee. Its plastic hooks with steel cores offer up to 65Kg of resistance and make it safer

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masterlock 800mm bungee cord with giant hooks

Brand: Masterlock

List Price: £5.89

Price Range: £4.95 - £4.95

from 1 retailers

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The unique and patented giant hook bungee provides more space when used than a traditional bungee. Its plastic hooks with steel cores offer up to 65Kg of resistance and make it safer to use.TUV certified.Diameter 8mm.Length 80 ...

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  • The unique and patented giant hook bungee provides more space when used than a traditional bungee. Its plastic hooks with steel cores offer up to 65Kg of resistance and make it safer to use.TUV certified.Diameter 8mm.Length 80 .......from Tooled Up
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