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Liberon Wax and Polish Remover 5 Litre

Liberon Wax and Polish Remover 5 Litre

This Liberon product removes old wax, dirt, smoke and everyday grime from antique and modern wood furniture.PurposeLiberon Wax and Polish Remover removes old wax, dirt, smoke and everyday

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5 Star Rating
Liberon Wax and Polish Remover 5 Litre gets 5 out of 5 based on 2 ratings

Liberon Wax and Polish Remover 5 Litre

Brand: Liberon

List Price: £58.62

Price Range: £51.95 - £51.95

from 1 retailers

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(£51.95 + £5.95 p&p)

This Liberon product removes old wax, dirt, smoke and everyday grime from antique and modern wood furniture.PurposeLiberon Wax and Polish Remover removes old wax, dirt, smoke and everyday grime from antique and modern wood furniture....

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  • This Liberon product removes old wax, dirt, smoke and everyday grime from antique and modern wood furniture.PurposeLiberon Wax and Polish Remover removes old wax, dirt, smoke and everyday grime from antique and modern wood furniture........from Tooled Up
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    Rating Comments
    5 Star Rating Excellent product
    By: Philippa, on March 14, 2017

    "Very good product: used with wire wool to remove wax from a stained chest of drawers top and it was very effective.
    Also used on a varnished worktop but that's more difficult, so need to sand it first as just using this fluid takes a LOT of elbow grease to get through the layers. Effective in a patch of mound that had seeped under the varnish. Very pleased.

    5 Star Rating better than I expected
    By: peter m, on March 9, 2015

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