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Liberon Verdigris Wax 250ml

Liberon Verdigris Wax 250ml

Liberon Verdigris Wax is a multi purpose coloured wax for creating striking effects on all types of material such as metal, wood and plaster. It gives green hues of oxidised copper

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5 Star Rating
Liberon Verdigris Wax 250ml gets 5 out of 5 based on 3 ratings

Liberon Verdigris Wax 250ml

Brand: Liberon

List Price: £13.19

Price Range: £11.95 - £11.95

from 1 retailers

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(£11.95 + £5.95 p&p)

Liberon Verdigris Wax is a multi purpose coloured wax for creating striking effects on all types of material such as metal, wood and plaster. It gives green hues of oxidised copper and brass and can be worked into mouldings, bronzes, papiermach&ea...

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  • Liberon Verdigris Wax is a multi purpose coloured wax for creating striking effects on all types of material such as metal, wood and plaster. It gives green hues of oxidised copper and brass and can be worked into mouldings, bronzes, papiermach&ea.......from Tooled Up
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    Rating Comments
    5 Star Rating Going Green
    By: Gordon L., on December 6, 2017

    "Very versatile Verdigris, such good stuff, I’m getting a bit carried away and putting it on all sorts of stuff, mush stop or the whole house will be green!!

    5 Star Rating Your patinas are the best for my sculptures thank you Liberon...
    By: I am happy!, on March 15, 2017

    "This patina made my sculpture look better, with just a hint of Verdigris...I am so happy with the completed effect.

    5 Star Rating Coloured wax
    By: Amazon Customer, on April 19, 2013

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