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Liberon Palette Wood Dye Tudor Oak 500ml

Liberon Palette Wood Dye Tudor Oak 500ml

Liberon Palette Wood Dyes are ideal for dying colouring all interior bare woodwork, whilst leaving the natural beauty of the grain visible. For use prior to oil, wax, varnish and French

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2_5 Star Rating
Liberon Palette Wood Dye Tudor Oak 500ml gets 2.5 out of 5 based on 3 ratings

Liberon Palette Wood Dye Tudor Oak 500ml

Brand: Liberon

List Price: £10.16

Price Range: £8.95 - £8.95

from 1 retailers

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(£8.95 + £5.95 p&p)

Liberon Palette Wood Dyes are ideal for dying colouring all interior bare woodwork, whilst leaving the natural beauty of the grain visible. For use prior to oil, wax, varnish and French polish finishes they are suitable for both soft and hardw...

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  • Liberon Palette Wood Dyes are ideal for dying colouring all interior bare woodwork, whilst leaving the natural beauty of the grain visible. For use prior to oil, wax, varnish and French polish finishes they are suitable for both soft and hardw.......from Tooled Up
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    Rating Comments
    1 Star Rating "Medium Oak" is not medium but the darkest of oaks
    By: Horizon, on April 15, 2018

    "Purchase Medium Oak but its far from it, I would not even call it Dark Oak with how dark it really is and has ruined shelving as my wife went ahead and used it. I did wonder if this was just a label mix up but seeing photos from other using medium oak then its not surprising, I expected much better from a brand like this but won't be using their products again.

    4 Star Rating Very glad I did
    By: RB, on July 26, 2016

    2 Star Rating Not a nice colour
    By: cs, on March 31, 2016

    "Another tin that will gather dust unused. I tested this on a bit of pine I had lying around. I'm glad I did test first, otherwise I would have had a lot of sanding to do. No-one uploads pictures for these paints & dyes. So here is one (top half has had 2 coats, ignore the holes and scratch marks - thats not the paints fault!). I wouldn't call it light oak, there are strongs hints of darkness/black (almost a green hue) on the left & right hand sides that don't look nice. So will have to try another.

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