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Liberon Liming Wax 250ml

Liberon Liming Wax 250ml

Liberon Liming Wax is a white wax that is used to create a limed effect on oak and other hardwoods. It can also be used on softwoods, such as pine. It is easy to use and quick drying.EN71

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Liberon Liming Wax 250ml gets 5 out of 5 based on 2 ratings

Liberon Liming Wax 250ml

Brand: Liberon

List Price: £10.46

Price Range: £9.95 - £9.95

from 1 retailers

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(£9.95 + £5.95 p&p)

Liberon Liming Wax is a white wax that is used to create a limed effect on oak and other hardwoods. It can also be used on softwoods, such as pine. It is easy to use and quick drying.EN71 Part 3 Approved – Safe for toys.Coverag...

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  • Liberon Liming Wax is a white wax that is used to create a limed effect on oak and other hardwoods. It can also be used on softwoods, such as pine. It is easy to use and quick drying.EN71 Part 3 Approved – Safe for toys.Coverag.......from Tooled Up
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    5 Star Rating Easy to use
    By: Tinley, on March 26, 2017

    "Wonderful wax that is great for both hobbyists and professionals. I have used this to restore two mantlepieces in my house and they look fabulous. The wax is thick and creamy, allowing you to build up layers and achieve any finish you like from muted to bright. I managed to get a pale, aged look for my wood and I couldn't be more pleased. There's also plenty leftover that I can try my hand at more projects in future.

    5 Star Rating Liming Wax
    By: V A Ratcliffe, on April 15, 2014

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