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Gardena EasyControl Digital Water Timer with LCD Display

Gardena EasyControl Digital Water Timer with LCD Display

The GARDENA EasyControl, your small electronic assistant, makes garden irrigation easier for you, for example when operating sprinklers, a drip irrigation system such as the GARDENA

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4_5 Star Rating
Gardena EasyControl Digital Water Timer with LCD Display gets 4.5 out of 5 based on 3 ratings

Gardena EasyControl Digital Water Timer with LCD Display

Brand: Gardena

List Price: £39.99

Price Range: £36.95 - £36.95

from 1 retailers

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(£36.95 + £3.95 p&p)

The GARDENA EasyControl, your small electronic assistant, makes garden irrigation easier for you, for example when operating sprinklers, a drip irrigation system such as the GARDENA Micro Drip System or the GARDENA Sprinklersystem. The Water Computer...

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  • The GARDENA EasyControl, your small electronic assistant, makes garden irrigation easier for you, for example when operating sprinklers, a drip irrigation system such as the GARDENA Micro Drip System or the GARDENA Sprinklersystem. The Water Computer.......from Tooled Up
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    Rating Comments
    4 Star Rating Second Season and Going Strong
    By: Philip Bradbury, on June 12, 2018

    5 Star Rating Very simple to set up compared to some, works well.
    By: Amazon Customer, on September 27, 2017

    5 Star Rating Great watering tool much better than hozelocks
    By: Dingley Dell, on June 27, 2017

    "I got one of these and two Hozelock ones as I have had work done in my garden. This is better by miles the hozelock ones failed and were a pain to use. This is simple to set up and use and the manual setting is a simple two press on a button. Better by miles and you can set for a water 1, 2 or 3 times a day or 2 days or week so easy and you can adjust the time it runs.

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