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Gardena Combisystem FSC Pure Wooden Handle 1300mm

Gardena Combisystem FSC Pure Wooden Handle 1300mm

The GARDENA combisystem Wooden Handle FSC 100 % allows individual extension of all combisystem tools. The high quality, resilient ashwood from Europe damps vibrations and is FSC certified.

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Gardena Combisystem FSC Pure Wooden Handle 1300mm gets 5 out of 5 based on 1 ratings

Gardena Combisystem FSC Pure Wooden Handle 1300mm

Brand: Gardena

List Price: £12.99

Price Range: £11.95 - £11.95

from 1 retailers

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(£11.95 + £5.95 p&p)

The GARDENA combisystem Wooden Handle FSC 100 % allows individual extension of all combisystem tools. The high quality, resilient ashwood from Europe damps vibrations and is FSC certified. This means that only wood from well managed and sust...

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  • The GARDENA combisystem Wooden Handle FSC 100 % allows individual extension of all combisystem tools. The high quality, resilient ashwood from Europe damps vibrations and is FSC certified. This means that only wood from well managed and sust.......from Tooled Up
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    5 Star Rating Gardena wooden handle.
    By: I. R. Jolliffe, on May 12, 2014

    "I already had tools for this but they were purchased a long time back and the original handle got left behind when we moved house. The tools still fitted and the handle is very good quality. Good colour aswell, the old one was brown. This one is light greyish colour very modern looking. Good price and I think I will buy another for my mum.

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