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Flymo ULTRAGLIDE Electric Hover Lawnmower 360mm Cut 1800w 240v

Flymo ULTRAGLIDE Electric Hover Lawnmower 360mm Cut 1800w 240v

The UltraGlide is the most advanced Flymo hover mower with DuoTech system. Collects more grass, cuts closer to edges, gives a better finish, makes mowing quicker and easier than ever

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Flymo ULTRAGLIDE Electric Hover Lawnmower 360mm Cut 1800w 240v gets 3 out of 5 based on 2 ratings

Flymo ULTRAGLIDE Electric Hover Lawnmower 360mm Cut 1800w 240v

Brand: Flymo

List Price: £159.99

Price Range: £150.95 - £150.95

from 1 retailers

Price trend for Flymo ULTRAGLIDE Electric Hover Lawnmower 360mm Cut 1800w 240v is SameSet Price AlertOur Best Price

(£150.95 + £5.95 p&p)

The UltraGlide is the most advanced Flymo hover mower with DuoTech system. Collects more grass, cuts closer to edges, gives a better finish, makes mowing quicker and easier than ever before. Its unique DuoTech system works by lifting and straighteni...

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  • The UltraGlide is the most advanced Flymo hover mower with DuoTech system. Collects more grass, cuts closer to edges, gives a better finish, makes mowing quicker and easier than ever before. Its unique DuoTech system works by lifting and straighteni.......from Tooled Up
  • Price on the up? Buy today! Follow the Price History for flymo ultraglide electric hover lawnmower 360mm cut 1800w 240v

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    Rating Comments
    1 Star Rating Not worth the money
    By: Pugwash, on June 10, 2017

    "Not all its cracked up to be. Very disappointing performance and tends to die just after 12 month warranty period.

    By: Taiga, on November 9, 2015

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