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faithfull thermometer with maximum and minimum recording function

faithfull thermometer with maximum and minimum recording function

The Faithfull FAITHMMBUTMF mercury free thermometer has a press button that records the highest and lowest temperatures reached throughout the day and night by pushing markers to the

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faithfull thermometer with maximum and minimum recording function gets 1 out of 5 based on 1 ratings

faithfull thermometer with maximum and minimum recording function

Brand: Faithfull

List Price: £14.10

Price Range: £10.95 - £10.95

from 1 retailers

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The Faithfull FAITHMMBUTMF mercury free thermometer has a press button that records the highest and lowest temperatures reached throughout the day and night by pushing markers to the extreme readings until re set. Suitable for indoor or outdoor us...

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  • The Faithfull FAITHMMBUTMF mercury free thermometer has a press button that records the highest and lowest temperatures reached throughout the day and night by pushing markers to the extreme readings until re set. Suitable for indoor or outdoor us.......from Tooled Up
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    1 Star Rating USELESS
    By: Jeff Walmsley, on November 6, 2013

    "The two readings do not match by some 3 degrees; the two marking pins are both "submerged" for want of a better word, in their respective spirit columns, and do not resume their correct positions when the reset button is pressed; and although they can be "rescued" by applying a powerful magnet, they are soon swallowed up by the spirit columns again. I have had a dozen or more similar instruments over 50 years, none of which could be called accurate, but they were at least consistent in their inaccuracies...

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