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Faithfull Silicon Carbide Coated Combi Foam Sanding Block

Faithfull Silicon Carbide Coated Combi Foam Sanding Block

The Faithfull Aluminium Oxide coated foam blocks are flexible and can be used wet or dry. They adjust to the shape that is being sanded and are ideal for mouldings, dado rails etc.

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Faithfull Silicon Carbide Coated Combi Foam Sanding Block

Brand: Faithfull

List Price: £2.05

Price Range: £1.95 - £1.95

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The Faithfull Aluminium Oxide coated foam blocks are flexible and can be used wet or dry. They adjust to the shape that is being sanded and are ideal for mouldings, dado rails etc. They can be used on either wood or metal. This block benefi...

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  • The Faithfull Aluminium Oxide coated foam blocks are flexible and can be used wet or dry. They adjust to the shape that is being sanded and are ideal for mouldings, dado rails etc. They can be used on either wood or metal. This block benefi.......from Tooled Up
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