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Draper Vacuum And Fuel Pump Tester

Draper Vacuum And Fuel Pump Tester

Suitable for testing and fault finding the following in petrol engines including•Spark misfires; poor engine compression; weakrich mixture; ignition over advancedretarded; inlet

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5 Star Rating
Draper Vacuum And Fuel Pump Tester gets 5 out of 5 based on 3 ratings

Draper Vacuum And Fuel Pump Tester

Brand: Draper

List Price: £13.61

Price Range: £10.95 - £10.95

from 1 retailers

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(£10.95 + £3.95 p&p)

Suitable for testing and fault finding the following in petrol engines including•Spark misfires; poor engine compression; weakrich mixture; ignition over advancedretarded; inlet manifold and carburettor air leaks; ...

No further specification information available

  • Suitable for testing and fault finding the following in petrol engines including•Spark misfires; poor engine compression; weakrich mixture; ignition over advancedretarded; inlet manifold and carburettor air leaks; .......from Tooled Up
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    Rating Comments
    5 Star Rating Great piece of kit +++++++
    By: Henry., on April 8, 2016

    "Arrived well packed and on time.
    Quick & very cost efficient diagnosis tool for the Do It Yourself motorist.
    I have used this tool for balancing carburettor of my Holley carb on the V8 engine, to set up the Vacuum ,
    And also to test the fuel pump you just put a different end on the pipe and use the same gauge,
    There is long plastic pipe which is very good about 1M long
    Excellent value for the price.
    I would recommend it +++++++

    5 Star Rating Great piece of kit +++++++
    By: Heny., on April 8, 2016

    "Arrived well packed and on time.
    Quick & very cost efficient diagnosis tool for the Do It Yourself motorist.
    I have used this tool for balancing carburettor of my Holley carb on the V8 engine, to set up the Vacuum ,
    And also to test the fuel pump you just put a different end on the pipe and use the same gauge,
    There is long plastic pipe which is very good about 1M long
    Excellent value for the price.
    I would recommend it +++++++

    5 Star Rating good for money
    By: Zoran Cacan Macedonia, on March 14, 2012

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