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Decosol Excel Screen Wash 1 Litre

Decosol Excel Screen Wash 1 Litre

Decosol Excel Screenwash keeps vehicle windscreens in top tip spotless condition. Just use less fluid and more water to get a good ratio mixture, making anything up to 25 litres per

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4 Star Rating
Decosol Excel Screen Wash 1 Litre gets 4 out of 5 based on 4 ratings

Decosol Excel Screen Wash 1 Litre

Brand: Decosol

List Price: £5.50

Price Range: £4.95 - £4.95

from 1 retailers

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(£4.95 + £5.95 p&p)

Decosol Excel Screenwash keeps vehicle windscreens in top tip spotless condition. Just use less fluid and more water to get a good ratio mixture, making anything up to 25 litres per bottle. This is especially desired in colder climates where a thi...

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  • Decosol Excel Screenwash keeps vehicle windscreens in top tip spotless condition. Just use less fluid and more water to get a good ratio mixture, making anything up to 25 litres per bottle. This is especially desired in colder climates where a thi.......from Tooled Up
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    Rating Comments
    4 Star Rating Excellent stuff, used Decosol products for decades, recommended
    By: G.Walker, on December 9, 2018

    "I don't like the current fad of expensive pre-mixed washer fluid, this works out vastly cheaper, just a dash in summer, and a good Glug during winter to stop it freezing does the trick.
    I did knock one star off just because the damned bottle insists on dribbling down itself when pouring which is wasteful & messy

    5 Star Rating Probably the best screenwash you could buy
    By: Martin Sherwood, on September 20, 2017

    2 Star Rating Be warned - this product has been cheapened!
    By: The bodgemaster general, on February 4, 2015

    "I have an old bottle of this screenwash which looks just like the photograph (on 4 February 2015), but the new bottle I received is not the same. Both bottles have the part number AD25XLS, and both have the universal product code 5011787002670, but the new bottle promises a freezing point of -24C when used neat whereas the old bottle promises -57C.

    The supplied screenwash appears to have only half the antifreeze concentration that the earlier product had (verified by an evaporation test). I...

    5 Star Rating Clean Screen
    By: CJman, on February 12, 2014

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