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CK Maxima Single Handed Grass Shears with 180 Degree Rotating Blades

CK Maxima Single Handed Grass Shears with 180 Degree Rotating

One handed operation shears with blades that can be rotated to either horizontal or vertical position for maximum convenience. One blade chrome plated and the other non stick coated

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CK Maxima Single Handed Grass Shears with 180 Degree Rotating Blades

Brand: C K Tools

List Price: £19.45

Price Range: £14.95 - £14.95

from 1 retailers

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One handed operation shears with blades that can be rotated to either horizontal or vertical position for maximum convenience. One blade chrome plated and the other non stick coated for rust resistance and low friction operation. Secure safety catch....

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  • One handed operation shears with blades that can be rotated to either horizontal or vertical position for maximum convenience. One blade chrome plated and the other non stick coated for rust resistance and low friction operation. Secure safety catch........from Tooled Up
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