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Black & Decker PS7525 Electric Pole Tree Pruner 250mm Bar 800w 240v

Black & Decker PS7525 Electric Pole Tree Pruner 250mm Bar 800w

Pruning high branches has never been safer or easier than with Black & Deckers PS7525 Electric Pole Tree Pruner. Featuring a powerful 800W chainsaw mounted on a 2.44m long pole, the

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5 Star Rating
Black and Decker PS7525 Electric Pole Tree Pruner 250mm Bar 800w 240v gets 5 out of 5 based on 2 ratings

Black and Decker PS7525 Electric Pole Tree Pruner 250mm Bar 800w 240v

Brand: Black & Decker

List Price: £136.82

Price Range: £84.95 - £84.95

from 1 retailers

Price trend for Black and Decker PS7525 Electric Pole Tree Pruner 250mm Bar 800w 240v is SameSet Price AlertOur Best Price

(£84.95 + £5.95 p&p)

Pruning high branches has never been safer or easier than with Black & Deckers PS7525 Electric Pole Tree Pruner. Featuring a powerful 800W chainsaw mounted on a 2.44m long pole, the PS7525 delivers the cutting performance necessary to sever even ver...

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  • Pruning high branches has never been safer or easier than with Black & Deckers PS7525 Electric Pole Tree Pruner. Featuring a powerful 800W chainsaw mounted on a 2.44m long pole, the PS7525 delivers the cutting performance necessary to sever even ver.......from Tooled Up
  • Price on the up? Buy today! Follow the Price History for black and decker ps7525 electric pole tree pruner 250mm bar 800w 240v

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    Rating Comments
    5 Star Rating How much wood could a woodchuck chuck...
    By: richard smith, on August 1, 2018

    "How much wood could a woodchuck chuck
    If a woodchuck could chuck wood?
    As much wood as a woodchuck could chuck,
    If a woodchuck could chuck wood.
    Wood Chuck a lot more with one of these...Excellent!
    Reaches those awkward branches and cuts through with ease.

    5 Star Rating How much wood could a woodchuck chuck...
    By: Richard, on August 1, 2018

    "How much wood could a woodchuck chuck
    If a woodchuck could chuck wood?
    As much wood as a woodchuck could chuck,
    If a woodchuck could chuck wood.
    Wood Chuck a lot more with one of these...Excellent!
    Reaches those awkward branches and cuts through with ease.

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