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Black & Decker GLC3630LB 36v Cordless Telescopic Grass Trimmer 300mm Cut without Battery or Charger

Black & Decker GLC3630LB 36v Cordless Telescopic Grass Trimmer

The GLC3630LB is a 36v cordless garden power tool that provides cordless trimming and edging functions and uses Black & Deckers E Drive Technology a high torque gear system that gets

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5 Star Rating
Black and Decker GLC3630LB 36v Cordless Telescopic Grass Trimmer 300mm Cut without Battery or Charger gets 5 out of 5 based on 5 ratings

Black and Decker GLC3630LB 36v Cordless Telescopic Grass Trimmer 300mm Cut without Battery or Charger

Brand: Black & Decker

List Price: £129.98

Price Range: £85.95 - £85.95

from 1 retailers

Price trend for Black and Decker GLC3630LB 36v Cordless Telescopic Grass Trimmer 300mm Cut without Battery or Charger is SameSet Price AlertOur Best Price

(£85.95 + £5.95 p&p)

The GLC3630LB is a 36v cordless garden power tool that provides cordless trimming and edging functions and uses Black & Deckers E Drive Technology a high torque gear system that gets the job done faster through an improved rate of cut. The user c...

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  • The GLC3630LB is a 36v cordless garden power tool that provides cordless trimming and edging functions and uses Black & Deckers E Drive Technology a high torque gear system that gets the job done faster through an improved rate of cut. The user c.......from Tooled Up
  • Price on the up? Buy today! Follow the Price History for black and decker glc3630lb 36v cordless telescopic grass trimmer 300mm cut without battery or charger

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    Rating Comments
    4 Star Rating Great for the average garden
    By: J. Brian Capstick, on December 18, 2017

    "This is a great deal lighter, quieter and easier to start than a petrol-driven strimmer, but not as powerful. It is strong enough for a reasonably well-maintained garden but struggles with brush. It is light enough to be used safely by a woman. Its weak point is that the cassette holder breaks quite easily and then it's time for a new machine, hence only four stars. Should be supplied with goggles to protect the eyes.

    5 Star Rating Easy to assemble and use for strimming and edging
    By: Philip J. Vickers, on August 12, 2017

    5 Star Rating If Black & Decker made Lager...
    By: Richard, on November 4, 2016

    5 Star Rating Five Stars
    By: Alan H., on October 2, 2016

    5 Star Rating Five Stars
    By: Utronixs, on October 2, 2016

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