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Black & Decker GKC3630L20 36v Cordless Chainsaw with 300mm / 12" Bar & 1 Lithium Ion Battery 2ah with 2nd Battery Worth £59.95

Black & Decker GKC3630L20 36v Cordless Chainsaw with 300mm /

You dont need to invest in a noisy, high emissions petrol model to get powerful cutting performance from your chainsaw. Built to handle heavy duty sawing tasks even through the toughest

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4 Star Rating
Black and Decker GKC3630L20 36v Cordless Chainsaw with 300mm 12 Bar and 1 Lithium Ion Battery 2ah with 2nd Battery Worth 5995 gets 4 out of 5 based on 1 ratings

Black and Decker GKC3630L20 36v Cordless Chainsaw with 300mm 12 Bar and 1 Lithium Ion Battery 2ah with 2nd Battery Worth 5995

Brand: Black & Decker

List Price: £342.10

Price Range: £213.95 - £213.95

from 1 retailers

Price trend for Black and Decker GKC3630L20 36v Cordless Chainsaw with 300mm 12 Bar and 1 Lithium Ion Battery 2ah with 2nd Battery Worth 5995 is SameSet Price AlertOur Best Price

(£213.95 + £5.95 p&p)

You dont need to invest in a noisy, high emissions petrol model to get powerful cutting performance from your chainsaw. Built to handle heavy duty sawing tasks even through the toughest of woods, the Black & Decker GKC3630L20 makes short work of fel...

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  • You dont need to invest in a noisy, high emissions petrol model to get powerful cutting performance from your chainsaw. Built to handle heavy duty sawing tasks even through the toughest of woods, the Black & Decker GKC3630L20 makes short work of fel.......from Tooled Up
  • Price on the up? Buy today! Follow the Price History for black and decker gkc3630l20 36v cordless chainsaw with 300mm 12 bar and 1 lithium ion battery 2ah with 2nd battery worth 5995

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    4 Star Rating Impressive cutting, yet quieter and safer than a petrol model
    By: Lindosland, on February 12, 2016

    "Until recently I had a man who helped in my garden, did the chain-saw work, and refused to wear any safety equipment for anything. I let him do it on the basis that he had somehow survived to a good age, but the time came when he had to stop, and I tentatively picked up my petrol chainsaw (and gloves and helmet with facemask). A few hours spent trying to start it every time left me exhausted and in a bad mood, not conducive to safety; and a thorough reading up on the dangers of chainsaws left me...

    Compare prices for Black & Decker GKC3630L20 36v Cordless Chainsaw with 300mm / 12" Bar & 1 Lithium Ion Battery 2ah with 2nd Battery Worth £59.95 - Buy Black & Decker GKC3630L20 36v Cordless Chainsaw with 300mm / 12" Bar & 1 Lithium Ion Battery 2ah with 2nd Battery Worth £59.95 - Cheap Black & Decker GKC3630L20 36v Cordless Chainsaw with 300mm / 12" Bar & 1 Lithium Ion Battery 2ah with 2nd Battery Worth £59.95

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