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Black & Decker GKC1820L20 18v Cordless Chainsaw with 200mm / 8" Bar & 1 Lithium Ion Battery 2ah with Chainsaw Oil Worth £4.95

Black & Decker GKC1820L20 18v Cordless Chainsaw with 200mm /

Big power in a small package Black & Deckers GKC1820L20 combines a short 8" bar with a high performance, cordlessly powered motor unit. Where larger chainsaws can prove difficult to

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3_5 Star Rating
Black and Decker GKC1820L20 18v Cordless Chainsaw with 200mm 8 Bar and 1 Lithium Ion Battery 2ah with Chainsaw Oil Worth 495 gets 3.5 out of 5 based on 3 ratings

Black and Decker GKC1820L20 18v Cordless Chainsaw with 200mm 8 Bar and 1 Lithium Ion Battery 2ah with Chainsaw Oil Worth 495

Brand: Black & Decker

List Price: £205.25

Price Range: £144.95 - £144.95

from 1 retailers

Price trend for Black and Decker GKC1820L20 18v Cordless Chainsaw with 200mm 8 Bar and 1 Lithium Ion Battery 2ah with Chainsaw Oil Worth 495 is SameSet Price AlertOur Best Price

(£144.95 + £5.95 p&p)

Big power in a small package Black & Deckers GKC1820L20 combines a short 8" bar with a high performance, cordlessly powered motor unit. Where larger chainsaws can prove difficult to use above shoulder height, the GKC1820L20s lightweight constructi...

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  • Big power in a small package Black & Deckers GKC1820L20 combines a short 8" bar with a high performance, cordlessly powered motor unit. Where larger chainsaws can prove difficult to use above shoulder height, the GKC1820L20s lightweight constructi.......from Tooled Up
  • Price on the up? Buy today! Follow the Price History for black and decker gkc1820l20 18v cordless chainsaw with 200mm 8 bar and 1 lithium ion battery 2ah with chainsaw oil worth 495

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    Rating Comments
    5 Star Rating A Good light weight chain saw
    By: Lesley, on October 15, 2018

    "This does the job well, smaller than I thought it would be, so handles pruning and smaller trees ok but don't attempt anything bigger than about 6" diameter, but providing that's what you need its fine. The chain is fidderly to put on and does need constant checking and adjusting but providing you know and do it, all is good

    5 Star Rating Excellent for small to medium jobs
    By: Me, on February 11, 2018

    "I had previously bought a cheaper one and it's battery was useless. This last well providing you realise that the power needed to cut logs is quite high. I think I cut about 15 5" diameter logs before it gave me a hint that it might not go on much longer. Also note it wont charge in a freezing cold shed.

    1 Star Rating Not good quality and feels more like a toy
    By: stephen goulding, on July 17, 2015

    Compare prices for Black & Decker GKC1820L20 18v Cordless Chainsaw with 200mm / 8" Bar & 1 Lithium Ion Battery 2ah with Chainsaw Oil Worth £4.95 - Buy Black & Decker GKC1820L20 18v Cordless Chainsaw with 200mm / 8" Bar & 1 Lithium Ion Battery 2ah with Chainsaw Oil Worth £4.95 - Cheap Black & Decker GKC1820L20 18v Cordless Chainsaw with 200mm / 8" Bar & 1 Lithium Ion Battery 2ah with Chainsaw Oil Worth £4.95

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