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Bahco DIY Pull Pruning Saw 300mm

Bahco DIY Pull Pruning Saw 300mm

The Bahco 349 Pruning Saw for pruning ornamental shrubs and fruit trees in the garden. The blade has an anti friction coating for rust protection and easy cut and the toothing is designed

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3 Star Rating
Bahco DIY Pull Pruning Saw 300mm gets 3 out of 5 based on 1 ratings

Bahco DIY Pull Pruning Saw 300mm

Brand: Bahco

List Price: £27.13

Price Range: £17.95 - £17.95

from 1 retailers

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The Bahco 349 Pruning Saw for pruning ornamental shrubs and fruit trees in the garden. The blade has an anti friction coating for rust protection and easy cut and the toothing is designed to provide an aggressive cut on the pullstroke. Size...

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  • The Bahco 349 Pruning Saw for pruning ornamental shrubs and fruit trees in the garden. The blade has an anti friction coating for rust protection and easy cut and the toothing is designed to provide an aggressive cut on the pullstroke. Size.......from Tooled Up
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    Rating Comments
    3 Star Rating Not as advertised but OK
    By: JP, on September 7, 2013

    "I bought this pruning saw to replace one that I had had for 20 years but which had broken at the handle. The picture looked like an identical product but what arrived was different. It still had the same product number, but the handle shape and coating of the blade suggested that the product had been amended/updated. I haven't had the opportunity to put it through its paces yet, but it would have been nice for the product description and picture had been updated too, so that there were "no...

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