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autel eobd diagnostic code reader and abs airbag reset tool

autel eobd diagnostic code reader and abs airbag reset tool

Extremely powerful Autel two in one handheld unit featuring an EOBD code reader and ABSAirbag tool. Manufacturer specific software for ABSAirbag covers 39 vehicle manufacturers. Suitable

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autel eobd diagnostic code reader and abs airbag reset tool gets 3.5 out of 5 based on 2 ratings

autel eobd diagnostic code reader and abs airbag reset tool

Brand: Sealey

List Price: £269.94

Price Range: £219.95 - £219.95

from 1 retailers

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Extremely powerful Autel two in one handheld unit featuring an EOBD code reader and ABSAirbag tool. Manufacturer specific software for ABSAirbag covers 39 vehicle manufacturers. Suitable for any EOBD compliant vehicle to read EOBD diagnostic codes ...

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  • Extremely powerful Autel two in one handheld unit featuring an EOBD code reader and ABSAirbag tool. Manufacturer specific software for ABSAirbag covers 39 vehicle manufacturers. Suitable for any EOBD compliant vehicle to read EOBD diagnostic codes .......from Tooled Up
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    Rating Comments
    2 Star Rating Do not buy if you want updates.
    By: Scotch Astings, on April 8, 2017

    5 Star Rating Having to deal with an ABS malfunction.
    By: Ewan Macdonald, on September 29, 2015

    "An efficient code reader. It also covers the Kia Rio Diesel.

    Obviously Sealey know considerably more than me about ABS brakes and also the code readers that they produce. In hindsight I should have sent them an e-mail and asked a number of relevant questions.
    It is difficult to ask for an answer when not knowing the question to ask. Car adverts normally highlight ABS, but the bit they don't advertise is the nightmare that frequently occurs when it malfunctions. Costs can be...

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