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ARS PM-24L Folding Pruning Saw with 4mm Pitch & 240mm Turbocut Straight Blade Overall 500mm Long

ARS PM-24L Folding Pruning Saw with 4mm Pitch & 240mm Turbocut

Taper Ground ARS teeth are honed to a precise KNIFE EDGE SHARPNESS. The UNIQUE PATENTED BLADE produces remarkably clean cuts. PRECISION GROUND TEETH has a razor edge and FAST EASY PULLING

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ARS PM24L Folding Pruning Saw with 4mm Pitch and 240mm Turbocut Straight Blade Overall 500mm Long

Brand: ARS

List Price: £32.95

Price Range: £32.95 - £32.95

from 1 retailers

Price trend for ARS PM24L Folding Pruning Saw with 4mm Pitch and 240mm Turbocut Straight Blade Overall 500mm Long is SameSet Price AlertOur Best Price

(£32.95 + £3.95 p&p)

Taper Ground ARS teeth are honed to a precise KNIFE EDGE SHARPNESS. The UNIQUE PATENTED BLADE produces remarkably clean cuts. PRECISION GROUND TEETH has a razor edge and FAST EASY PULLING ACTION requires far less effort than conventional saws. HARD C...

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  • Taper Ground ARS teeth are honed to a precise KNIFE EDGE SHARPNESS. The UNIQUE PATENTED BLADE produces remarkably clean cuts. PRECISION GROUND TEETH has a razor edge and FAST EASY PULLING ACTION requires far less effort than conventional saws. HARD C.......from Tooled Up
  • Price on the up? Buy today! Follow the Price History for ars pm24l folding pruning saw with 4mm pitch and 240mm turbocut straight blade overall 500mm long

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