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alm hl007 spool head assembly for right hand threaded homelite trimmers

alm hl007 spool head assembly for right hand threaded homelite

The ALMHL007 spool head assembly kit is compatible with a range of dual line models.The kit contains 1x housing. 1x spool & line. 1x spool retainerbump knob.1x spring. It is supplied

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alm hl007 spool head assembly for right hand threaded homelite trimmers gets 2.5 out of 5 based on 3 ratings

alm hl007 spool head assembly for right hand threaded homelite trimmers

Brand: ALM

List Price: £13.91

Price Range: £12.95 - £12.95

from 1 retailers

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(£12.95 + £3.95 p&p)

The ALMHL007 spool head assembly kit is compatible with a range of dual line models.The kit contains 1x housing. 1x spool & line. 1x spool retainerbump knob.1x spring. It is supplied with 516unc x 12 in...

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  • The ALMHL007 spool head assembly kit is compatible with a range of dual line models.The kit contains 1x housing. 1x spool & line. 1x spool retainerbump knob.1x spring. It is supplied with 516unc x 12 in.......from Tooled Up
  • Price on the up? Buy today! Follow the Price History for alm hl007 spool head assembly for right hand threaded homelite trimmers

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    2 Star Rating not very good
    By: Mal, on November 5, 2014

    "I bought this hoping it would fit my machine apart from me having to use the old bolt it fitted ok, I find the cord sticks a lot and I have to keep taking it apart to loosen the cord. I thought it was a bump feed and it's not, and the plastic inside started to break off within a few days, So I'm going to find a bump feed one that's if I can find one for my machine

    1 Star Rating Avoid this product
    By: Mike, on June 4, 2014

    5 Star Rating ALM Manufacturing HL007 Spool Head Assembly
    By: Richard Davies, on April 15, 2014

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