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Vileda Rotary Ground Spike 32mm & 38mm

Vileda Rotary Ground Spike 32mm & 38mm

Rotary Ground Spike with a removeable plastic insert to allow use with a 32mm or a 38mm pole....

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Vileda Rotary Ground Spike 32mm and 38mm

Brand: Vileda

List Price: £8.38

Price Range: £7.95 - £7.95

from 1 retailers

Price trend for Vileda Rotary Ground Spike 32mm and 38mm is SameSet Price AlertOur Best Price

(£7.95 + £3.95 p&p)

Rotary Ground Spike with a removeable plastic insert to allow use with a 32mm or a 38mm pole....

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  • Rotary Ground Spike with a removeable plastic insert to allow use with a 32mm or a 38mm pole........from Tooled Up
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    Add Review
    Rating Comments
    5 Star Rating CHANGED MY LIFE! - Joke. But it’s alright.
    By: Louise R, on October 26, 2018

    "Is what it is - good quality, and keeps the rotary washing line in the ground.

    4 Star Rating Too long
    By: Newark, on October 11, 2018

    "The correct for my clothes dryer but far too long for the ground by at least 4 inches, old school.

    5 Star Rating Five Stars
    By: Ken Shier, on July 20, 2017

    5 Star Rating Exactly what i wanted, and fit the current rotary ...
    By: John, on March 23, 2017

    5 Star Rating Very good.
    By: Shaza, on June 22, 2015

    "This was a replacement for the original spike with a concern it might not fit, but I need not have apprehensive as it fits the bill perfectly. It is strong, sturdy, and made by Vileda. I would recomment this product.

    2 Star Rating Item delivered is not the item shown
    By: R. Willis, on July 30, 2010

    "I specifically chose this item, as opposed to alternatives, as it seemed more sturdy than the pressed steel pipe spikes.
    The item that arrived (see additional picture posted) is a pressed steel pipe.
    This type of spike is functional, but doesn't seem to have as much lateral strength (size of fins) and similar spikes are available on Amazon at cheaper (only by a couple of pound)prices.
    Not enough to make me wish to return, but had I known this beforehand, I would have chosen a cheaper...

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