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Sealey Brake Spring Pliers

Sealey Brake Spring Pliers

Purpose made for the installation and removal of drum shoe return springs. Can also be used for removalinstallation of spring from anchor stud. Suitable for most car and light commercial

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Sealey Brake Spring Pliers gets 3.5 out of 5 based on 2 ratings

Sealey Brake Spring Pliers

Brand: Sealey

List Price: £9.54

Price Range: £7.95 - £7.95

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(£7.95 + £3.95 p&p)

Purpose made for the installation and removal of drum shoe return springs. Can also be used for removalinstallation of spring from anchor stud. Suitable for most car and light commercial drum brakes.Length 290mm...

No further specification information available

  • Purpose made for the installation and removal of drum shoe return springs. Can also be used for removalinstallation of spring from anchor stud. Suitable for most car and light commercial drum brakes.Length 290mm.......from Tooled Up
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    Rating Comments
    2 Star Rating No good for my car
    By: Forty45, on September 30, 2017

    "Bought to use on an Arosa. As another reviewer says these pliers seem to be for larger vehicles. The end that the spring goes on was too large so the spring could not latch into the hole and release successfully - it just sprung off. Fortunately I'd also ordered a
    Silverline 416746 Headlight Adjusting and Brake Spring Hook. With brute force the hook did the job that the pliers couldn't for less than half the price. I'm sure the pliers do work - it just depends on the vehicle you want to use them on.

    5 Star Rating I still have all my knuckles - better than pliers and a screwdriver
    By: AJM, on November 9, 2016

    "I still have all my knuckles after using this on a Renault Clio. The retainer springs came off a breeze and the removal and reinstallation of the shoe springs went greatly well once you worked out how to hold the tool (the illustration on the card that came with the tool was a bit confusing but stand back and go from first principles and it was dead easy)

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