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Sealey 12v Brake Fluid Bleeder

Sealey 12v Brake Fluid Bleeder

Bleeds brakes first time, every time one man bleeding operation. Powered by the vehicles 12V battery and maintains system pressure using an electric pump to drive clean hydraulic fluid

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Sealey 12v Brake Fluid Bleeder

Brand: Sealey

List Price: £743.94

Price Range: £604.95 - £604.95

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Bleeds brakes first time, every time one man bleeding operation. Powered by the vehicles 12V battery and maintains system pressure using an electric pump to drive clean hydraulic fluid through a long high pressure hose to the reservoir. Variable p...

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  • Bleeds brakes first time, every time one man bleeding operation. Powered by the vehicles 12V battery and maintains system pressure using an electric pump to drive clean hydraulic fluid through a long high pressure hose to the reservoir. Variable p.......from Tooled Up
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