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Ryobi RHT5555RSH Electric Hedge Trimmer with 550mm Blade 550w 240v

Ryobi RHT5555RSH Electric Hedge Trimmer with 550mm Blade 550w

The Ryobi RHT5555RSH electric hedge trimmer has just evolved. Ryobi are introducing a new line of hedge trimmers, which offer superior cut quality, outstanding power and class leading

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Ryobi RHT5555RSH Electric Hedge Trimmer with 550mm Blade 550w 240v gets 4 out of 5 based on 1 ratings

Ryobi RHT5555RSH Electric Hedge Trimmer with 550mm Blade 550w 240v

Brand: Ryobi

List Price: £89.99

Price Range: £80.95 - £80.95

from 1 retailers

Price trend for Ryobi RHT5555RSH Electric Hedge Trimmer with 550mm Blade 550w 240v is SameSet Price AlertOur Best Price

(£80.95 + £5.95 p&p)

The Ryobi RHT5555RSH electric hedge trimmer has just evolved. Ryobi are introducing a new line of hedge trimmers, which offer superior cut quality, outstanding power and class leading design. The trimmer has a reconfigured blade geometry & a built ...

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  • The Ryobi RHT5555RSH electric hedge trimmer has just evolved. Ryobi are introducing a new line of hedge trimmers, which offer superior cut quality, outstanding power and class leading design. The trimmer has a reconfigured blade geometry & a built .......from Tooled Up
  • Price on the up? Buy today! Follow the Price History for ryobi rht5555rsh electric hedge trimmer with 550mm blade 550w 240v

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    4 Star Rating A little heavy but robust and does the job well
    By: Morgan, on September 16, 2017

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