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Liberon Wood Bleacher 125ml

Liberon Wood Bleacher 125ml

This Liberon wood bleacher is ideal for removing dark stains caused by rust, alcohol, damp, ink, ring marks and fruit etc. It can also be used to lighten naturally dark wood, or natural

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5 Star Rating
Liberon Wood Bleacher 125ml gets 5 out of 5 based on 3 ratings

Liberon Wood Bleacher 125ml

Brand: Liberon

List Price: £5.80

Price Range: £5.49 - £5.49

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(£5.49 + £FREE p&p)

This Liberon wood bleacher is ideal for removing dark stains caused by rust, alcohol, damp, ink, ring marks and fruit etc. It can also be used to lighten naturally dark wood, or natural wood which has darkened through alkali products, staining or ...

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  • This Liberon wood bleacher is ideal for removing dark stains caused by rust, alcohol, damp, ink, ring marks and fruit etc. It can also be used to lighten naturally dark wood, or natural wood which has darkened through alkali products, staining or .......from Tooled Up
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    Rating Comments
    5 Star Rating Having read some Amazon reviews I decided to give it a try and am frankly amazed at the results
    By: David, on April 14, 2018

    "I have to admit that being faced with restoring an Edwardian rosewood side table I was at a bit of a loss as to how to deal with some very nasty circular black ring stains on the top.Someone mentioned oxalic acid as a possible remedy and this led me to the Liberon wood
    bleacher.Having read some Amazon reviews I decided to give it a try and am frankly amazed at the results.Two applications and the stains have just disappeared.Excellent stuff.

    5 Star Rating Wonder product
    By: jrhartley, on May 24, 2016

    5 Star Rating removed bad black water stains from wooden sink top in bathroom after only 3 applications
    By: theresa duffy, on August 8, 2013

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