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Liberon Wax Filler Stick 00 50g White

Liberon Wax Filler Stick 00 50g White

The Liberon Wax Filler Sticks repair cracks, splits and small to medium sized holes without sanding or having to strip the finish. You can apply without a heat source and no shrinkage

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4 Star Rating
Liberon Wax Filler Stick 00 50g White gets 4 out of 5 based on 2 ratings

Liberon Wax Filler Stick 00 50g White

Brand: Liberon

List Price: £6.34

Price Range: £5.95 - £5.95

from 1 retailers

Price trend for Liberon Wax Filler Stick 00 50g White is SameSet Price AlertOur Best Price

(£5.95 + £3.95 p&p)

The Liberon Wax Filler Sticks repair cracks, splits and small to medium sized holes without sanding or having to strip the finish. You can apply without a heat source and no shrinkage make them ideal for use on finished furniture and other article...

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  • The Liberon Wax Filler Sticks repair cracks, splits and small to medium sized holes without sanding or having to strip the finish. You can apply without a heat source and no shrinkage make them ideal for use on finished furniture and other article.......from Tooled Up
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    Rating Comments
    5 Star Rating Did the job
    By: Trinkets and treats, on April 9, 2018

    "Used it to fill up some grooves in our French door frames after a break-in. I recommend washing your hands before you handle it. It picks up dust and dirt. You can still see where the holes were, but they're far more subtle now. Saved me a fortune on door replacements.

    3 Star Rating Not wonderful
    By: ChloetheMum, on September 26, 2013

    Compare prices for Liberon Wax Filler Stick 00 50g White - Buy Liberon Wax Filler Stick 00 50g White - Cheap Liberon Wax Filler Stick 00 50g White

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