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Liberon Lemon Shellac 500g

Liberon Lemon Shellac 500g

The Liberon Lemon Shellac Flakes produce a pale gold coloured french polish which is often used in antique restoration or bespoke production of furniture. Performance Used to make up

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5 Star Rating
Liberon Lemon Shellac 500g gets 5 out of 5 based on 3 ratings

Liberon Lemon Shellac 500g

Brand: Liberon

List Price: £25.86

Price Range: £22.95 - £22.95

from 1 retailers

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(£22.95 + £3.95 p&p)

The Liberon Lemon Shellac Flakes produce a pale gold coloured french polish which is often used in antique restoration or bespoke production of furniture. Performance Used to make up French polishes. Suitable for antique res...

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  • The Liberon Lemon Shellac Flakes produce a pale gold coloured french polish which is often used in antique restoration or bespoke production of furniture. Performance Used to make up French polishes. Suitable for antique res.......from Tooled Up
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    Rating Comments
    5 Star Rating This is a lovely product and produces a nice warm honey like colour
    By: E. Hannan, on September 18, 2017

    "This is a lovely product and produces a good warm honey like colour. Make sure you mix it well with alcohol of your choice as it can settle to the bottom and create an apartionally thick jelly that is then difficult to reintegrate with the rest of the contents. I probably need to find a better way to mix this product.

    5 Star Rating Good shellac.
    By: Anton Dolinsky, on December 25, 2016

    "Good quality shellac. I use isopropyl alcohol to dissolve it, which can be bought at the drug store. Make sure it's at least 95%.
    I use it for tweed guitar cabs and amplifiers.

    But beware - it's darker than you might expect. Works for me though.
    It's also not dewaxed, so the solution will be muddy - but when it's dry it clears up. If you want to apply a seal coat you will have to use dewaxed shellac, which is more expensive.

    5 Star Rating Good quality
    By: Marion, on December 12, 2015

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