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Liberon Leather Cream Dark Brown 150ml

Liberon Leather Cream Dark Brown 150ml

Liberon leather cream protects, softens and feeds both antique and modern leather, while also giving it a soft sheen. It is ideal for reviving leather bound books, settees, bags and

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Liberon Leather Cream Dark Brown 150ml gets 3 out of 5 based on 1 ratings

Liberon Leather Cream Dark Brown 150ml

Brand: Liberon

List Price: £11.08

Price Range: £9.95 - £9.95

from 1 retailers

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(£9.95 + £3.95 p&p)

Liberon leather cream protects, softens and feeds both antique and modern leather, while also giving it a soft sheen. It is ideal for reviving leather bound books, settees, bags and items of clothing etc. It can be used to maintain colour.Us...

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  • Liberon leather cream protects, softens and feeds both antique and modern leather, while also giving it a soft sheen. It is ideal for reviving leather bound books, settees, bags and items of clothing etc. It can be used to maintain colour.Us.......from Tooled Up
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    3 Star Rating Applied liberally.
    By: Gmac, on July 11, 2013

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