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Liberon Knotting Pale 250ml

Liberon Knotting Pale 250ml

Liberon Knotting helps to prevent seepage from knots in resinous woods prior to painting or varnishing. It is ideal for use before painting and helps to minimise the discolouration

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5 Star Rating
Liberon Knotting Pale 250ml gets 5 out of 5 based on 2 ratings

Liberon Knotting Pale 250ml

Brand: Liberon

List Price: £8.45

Price Range: £7.95 - £7.95

from 1 retailers

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(£7.95 + £5.95 p&p)

Liberon Knotting helps to prevent seepage from knots in resinous woods prior to painting or varnishing. It is ideal for use before painting and helps to minimise the discolouration of paint finishes. Liberon Kotting is pale in colour and may be us...

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  • Liberon Knotting helps to prevent seepage from knots in resinous woods prior to painting or varnishing. It is ideal for use before painting and helps to minimise the discolouration of paint finishes. Liberon Kotting is pale in colour and may be us.......from Tooled Up
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    Rating Comments
    5 Star Rating Works well and does not dry up in the tin.
    By: Morgan, on October 31, 2016

    "This product works well and doesn't seem to evaporate on the shelf. Unlike other types I have had no issues with over-painting when it has been applied, sometimes using several coats. As long as you understand that no treatment will remove or inhibit knot issues in painted wood forever this one does the job well and worth buying.

    5 Star Rating Five Stars
    By: Dejavu, on October 4, 2016

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