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Handy IS Impact Garden Shredder Max 40mm Capacity 2400w 240v

Handy IS Impact Garden Shredder Max 40mm Capacity 2400w 240v

The Handy Impact Shredder. Ideal for processing garden waste such as prunings, vegetable waste, leaves and twigs. Its wheels make it easy to move and perfect for the domestic garden.Features

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Handy IS Impact Garden Shredder Max 40mm Capacity 2400w 240v

Brand: Handy

List Price: £99.99

Price Range: £95.95 - £95.95

from 1 retailers

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(£95.95 + £5.95 p&p)

The Handy Impact Shredder. Ideal for processing garden waste such as prunings, vegetable waste, leaves and twigs. Its wheels make it easy to move and perfect for the domestic garden.Features Powerful 2400 watt motor Rotary shred...

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  • The Handy Impact Shredder. Ideal for processing garden waste such as prunings, vegetable waste, leaves and twigs. Its wheels make it easy to move and perfect for the domestic garden.Features Powerful 2400 watt motor Rotary shred.......from Tooled Up
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