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Everbuild Moss & Mould Remover 5 Litre

Everbuild Moss & Mould Remover 5 Litre

Everbuild 404 Fungicidal Wash is a powerful, fungicidal wash for the removal of lichens, fungi and algae on all mineral surfaces such as walls, paths, roofs, drives etc. It is effective

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5 Star Rating
Everbuild Moss and Mould Remover 5 Litre gets 5 out of 5 based on 1 ratings

Everbuild Moss and Mould Remover 5 Litre

Brand: Everbuild

List Price: £16.67

Price Range: £6.95 - £6.95

from 1 retailers

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(£6.95 + £5.95 p&p)

Everbuild 404 Fungicidal Wash is a powerful, fungicidal wash for the removal of lichens, fungi and algae on all mineral surfaces such as walls, paths, roofs, drives etc. It is effective on most surfaces and also leaves a residual surface to help p...

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  • Everbuild 404 Fungicidal Wash is a powerful, fungicidal wash for the removal of lichens, fungi and algae on all mineral surfaces such as walls, paths, roofs, drives etc. It is effective on most surfaces and also leaves a residual surface to help p.......from Tooled Up
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    5 Star Rating Killer spray
    By: Happy shopper, on April 17, 2012

    "I used this mixture as directed on a large tarmac drive. There was a luxurious carpet of moss in some areas. Now it is brown and dead, just wants brishing away. Chemical smelled serious so treated the spraying activity with respect. Works and that was what I wanted. Will use it again

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