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Electro Nss10 Nut Splitter Set(4) 9-27mm

Electro Nss10 Nut Splitter Set(4) 9-27mm

Nut Splitters are used for removing rusted on nuts from studs etc.A spanner is used to turn the hexagon end which has the effect of forcing the chisel end into a flat of the nut, forcing

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Electro Nss10 Nut Splitter Set4 927mm

Brand: Electro

List Price: £164.41

Price Range: £150.95 - £150.95

from 1 retailers

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(£150.95 + £FREE p&p)

Nut Splitters are used for removing rusted on nuts from studs etc.A spanner is used to turn the hexagon end which has the effect of forcing the chisel end into a flat of the nut, forcing apart without damage to the thread of the stud....

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  • Nut Splitters are used for removing rusted on nuts from studs etc.A spanner is used to turn the hexagon end which has the effect of forcing the chisel end into a flat of the nut, forcing apart without damage to the thread of the stud........from Tooled Up
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