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CK Brass Female Automatic Water Stop Hose Connector for 12.5mm (1/2") Hose Pipes

CK Brass Female Automatic Water Stop Hose Connector for 12.5mm

Tough and corrosion free brass construction. Easy to use pull release mechanism. Secure screw down hose connection. Breaking the connection automatically cuts off the flow of water.

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5 Star Rating
CK Brass Female Automatic Water Stop Hose Connector for 125mm 12 Hose Pipes gets 5 out of 5 based on 1 ratings

CK Brass Female Automatic Water Stop Hose Connector for 125mm 12 Hose Pipes

Brand: C K Tools

List Price: £10.18

Price Range: £7.95 - £7.95

from 1 retailers

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(£7.95 + £3.95 p&p)

Tough and corrosion free brass construction. Easy to use pull release mechanism. Secure screw down hose connection. Breaking the connection automatically cuts off the flow of water. Ideal for use with interchangeable accessories such as sprinklers, n...

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  • Tough and corrosion free brass construction. Easy to use pull release mechanism. Secure screw down hose connection. Breaking the connection automatically cuts off the flow of water. Ideal for use with interchangeable accessories such as sprinklers, n.......from Tooled Up
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    5 Star Rating these hose connectors are the best money can buy they take a lot of abuse ...
    By: Nobby, on April 25, 2015

    "these hose connectors are the best money can buy
    they take a lot of abuse in my brewery
    both with hot and cold running through them
    had in the past them Chinese copy hose connectors they are rubbish the ball bearings fall out and the mechanisms are awful
    with CK fittings you get smooth comfortable action on the change over they never fail and feel like quality to use

    Compare prices for CK Brass Female Automatic Water Stop Hose Connector for 12.5mm (1/2") Hose Pipes - Buy CK Brass Female Automatic Water Stop Hose Connector for 12.5mm (1/2") Hose Pipes - Cheap CK Brass Female Automatic Water Stop Hose Connector for 12.5mm (1/2") Hose Pipes

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