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Briwax Wax Polish Jacobean 400g

Briwax Wax Polish Jacobean 400g

Briwax Wax Polish is blend of Beeswax and Carnauba waxes, suitable for applying to bare wood or over Sanding Sealer. It is a natural wax woodfinishing treatment for all types of wood,

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5 Star Rating
Briwax Wax Polish Jacobean 400g gets 5 out of 5 based on 4 ratings

Briwax Wax Polish Jacobean 400g

Brand: Briwax

List Price: £13.09

Price Range: £12.95 - £12.95

from 1 retailers

Price trend for Briwax Wax Polish Jacobean 400g is SameSet Price AlertOur Best Price

(£12.95 + £3.95 p&p)

Briwax Wax Polish is blend of Beeswax and Carnauba waxes, suitable for applying to bare wood or over Sanding Sealer. It is a natural wax woodfinishing treatment for all types of wood, in the home and in the workshop for all craftsmen. Briwax gives...

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  • Briwax Wax Polish is blend of Beeswax and Carnauba waxes, suitable for applying to bare wood or over Sanding Sealer. It is a natural wax woodfinishing treatment for all types of wood, in the home and in the workshop for all craftsmen. Briwax gives.......from Tooled Up
  • Price on the up? Buy today! Follow the Price History for briwax wax polish jacobean 400g

    Add Review
    Rating Comments
    5 Star Rating Five Stars
    By: Pat Gallimore, on October 12, 2017

    "Excellent product

    4 Star Rating but it was recommended to me by someone who uses it regularly
    By: The Book Bug, on June 17, 2017

    "Haven't used it yet, but it was recommended to me by someone who uses it regularly.

    5 Star Rating just as ot says on the can
    By: p.s.mills, on January 5, 2017

    "perfect for our period gaff. comes out darker than the colour on the can....needs applying then rubbing in...i used a toothbrush for difficult knooks and crannies.....get covered in the stuff but washes off with warm water and soap and scrubbing

    5 Star Rating The best thing since sliced bread
    By: COLIN J, on April 18, 2013

    "I've been using Briwax for quite a few years now. The fist time was for treating a 12" x 12" oak beam in my cottage, soon after buying it. I believe this beam is more than 150 year old & made from a canal or similar boat keel. I stripped the layers of old polyurethane varnish applied, 2 coats of dark oak wax & the transformation was amazing. From then on everything from "valuable" antiques to more recent artefacts, including all my now restored longcase clocks, have all had the same...

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