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Bosch ART 30 COMBITRIM Electric Grass Trimmer 300mm Cut 500w 240v

Bosch ART 30 COMBITRIM Electric Grass Trimmer 300mm Cut 500w

Adaptable & easy to handle, the Bosch ART 30 Combitrim also features a powerful 500W motor that will make short work of all your trimming needs. If youre confronted with particularly

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Bosch ART 30 COMBITRIM Electric Grass Trimmer 300mm Cut 500w 240v

Brand: Bosch

List Price: £54.95

Price Range: £44.95 - £44.95

from 1 retailers

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Adaptable & easy to handle, the Bosch ART 30 Combitrim also features a powerful 500W motor that will make short work of all your trimming needs. If youre confronted with particularly stubborn growth, theres no cause to worry the Combitrims "clic...

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  • Adaptable & easy to handle, the Bosch ART 30 Combitrim also features a powerful 500W motor that will make short work of all your trimming needs. If youre confronted with particularly stubborn growth, theres no cause to worry the Combitrims "clic.......from Tooled Up
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