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This unique short bodied chisel incorporates a full strip of tungsten Carbide on the working edge which gives extended life and progression in hard materials.For chiselling hard masonry materials, use
Create fast and accurate 50mm wide channels in seconds in soft brick and medium density block. Easy to use as by keeping the tool head level with the masonry ceates a level channel.Features & Benefits•
Features & Benefits• Carbide tipped steel chisel for rapid removal of complete bricks enabling insertion of vents and cavity access.• 6mm wide cutting edge• Minimises chance of brick damageTungsten
Create fast and accurate 30mm wide channels in seconds in soft brick and medium density block. Easy to use as by keeping the tool head level with the masonry ceates a level channel.Features & Benefits•
Features & Benefits• Formed steel chisel for rapid removal of mortar lines• Tungsten carbide tips• 6mm wide cutting edge• Minimises chance of brick damage• Specifically designed
Features & Benefits• Optimised length for ease of use• Precision machined scutch comb holderPurposePreparation of masonry surfacesLevellingChiselling and channellingMortar removalSurface p...
Specially designed chisel for the removal of Tiles, adhesive, plaster, render and many other materials.Cranked and angled 80mm wide head makes light work of even the biggest jobs and aids in lifting tiles.For
As a result of the increasing consumer demand for convenience, ease of use and efficiency, wipes have become an extremely popular product form. ArmorAll was the first to introduce ArmorAll Carpet & Seat
ArmorAll Glass Wipes are specially formulated for automotive glass, they are ammonia free and suitable for factory tint not safe for window tinting film. They remove road dirt, grime and insects quickly
ArmorAll Leather Wipes will help protect the look and feel of leather to keep it looking like new for longer. These extra strength wipes are specially formulated to clean dirt and grime safely and effectively
ArmorAll Dashboard Wipes Gloss are a quick and easy way to clean, shine and protect in one step, helping to keep dashboards looking like new for longer. They use the world leading ArmorAll Protectant Technology,
ArmorAll Dashboard Wipes Matt Finish are a quick and easy way to clean dashboards and trims without adding shine. The extra strength wipes are specially formulated to clean vinyl, rubber and plastic surfaces.
ArmorAll Leather Care Gel is a rich and moisturizing gel. It allows for a even, mess free application, with a unique formula and special UV blockers. As the popularity of leather use in automotive interiors
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